In these lectures the basic positions of biostatistics are discussed: population, samples, the calculations of the mean, the variance and standard deviation, graphical presentations of distributions. The method of the least squares is explained and also its applications as time series and correlation techniques. The testing of the hypothesis about the mean, the variance and the significance of the correlation dependence are described too. All the themes are submitted by examples with mathematical calculations and explanations of the final results. Tasks for trainings in statistics are added.


Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Medical and Biological Physics


1. Population, samples, elements

1.1. Population , samples , elements

1.2. Frequency distribution and graphical illustration

1.3. Measures of central tendency and variability

1.4. The estimation of the interval

1.5. Test for Mod 1

2. The method of the "Least squares"

2.1. The method of the "Least squares"

2.2. Time series

2.3. Correlation techniques

2.4. Example

3. Hypothesis testing

3.1. Hypothesis testing about the mean

3.2. Testing the hypothesis about the variance

3.3. Testing the hypothesis about the correlation dependence

4. Fundamentals of variance analysis

4.1. ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance)

4.2. One-factor analysis of variance (the unequal number of tests at different levels)

4.3. Two-factor analysis of variance