Introduction to anatomy. Selected topics

The objective of the lesson and its motivational characteristics: 

To teach students the ability to find, to name and to show on preparations facial nerve, site of its leaving of brain and skull cavity, its branches: to narrate their anatomy, topography, areas of branching. It is important during diagnostics of disturbances of the facial nerve and its branches during localization of pathological focus within the brain stem, along with its passing inside facial nerve canal and after leaving this canal. 

Materials for revision:

Topography of neck, pharynx, larynx, mediastinum, relief of brain stem, the topography of the IX and X cranial nerve nuclei in the rhomboid fossa. 

Preparations and other teaching aids:

  • The base of the skull — 1;
  • cadaver with prepared vessels and nerves — 3;
  • brain — 1.